When Opportunity Knocks, Ignore it!? (With Screenshots of an Email Exchange)

Yesterday, I wrote an email to my list sharing the success of my client who became an Amazon.com Bestseller.
Vern in Washington didn’t seem to like this email. So, he unsubscribed from my list and gave the following feedback.
(Which, by the way, I truly appreciate). [NOTE: You may need to double-click the images to read the entire email]

Fair enough, I thought. And instantly wrote Vern the following email:

Crickets. No response.
I thought this interview would be a great opportunity to discuss the problems he’s facing with marketing, what he would like to accomplish, and together troubleshoot some solutions. This, I believe, would be beneficial for him and other authors facing the same situation, as the average self-published author sells less than 50 books.
Additionally, the interview would also give him the opportunity to promote his book to the 10k+ people in my network.
To make sure he was clear of my intention to help him and others, I sent another email this morning:
Crickets, again.
In book marketing (and life!), when opportunity knocks, whether it’s an interview, a helping hand, feedback, picking up the phone, asking for help etc., do you ignore it or embrace it?
One should view everything in life as a bank account, you must deposit, deposit, deposit, and deposit more, before you withdrawal. Thereby, you must give, give, give, and give more, before you take.
Vern, when you give people a reason to buy your book (VALUE) and give Amazon.com a reason to sell your book (MARKETING STRATEGY AND IMPLEMENTATION), your books will sell.
Work with us Vern, work with us.
And, Vern, if you change your mind, I’m here for you. – AD

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