Inspired thought to committed action.

We are all hit with inspired thought every once in a while. Perhaps it hits you like a lightning strike in your morning shower…and VOILA, you suddenly have a genius book idea, business concept, or a burning desire for change, or to change.
With that, here’s a name you should know: Bryan Stevenson (Google his TED Talk or watch the documentary called True Justice).
He is a compassionate leader and NY Times bestselling author who for decades has turned his inspired thoughts into committed actions. As a young lawyer, he was inspired to fix the problems of a broken judicial system.
He acted by starting a non-profit to free innocent people from capital punishment, and recently created a living monument and museum to teach compassion, truth and reconciliation.
Leaders don’t just stay in the thought – they commit to action.
And…what does it take?
Courage. As Brene Brown says, “chose courage over comfort.” It takes courage to breakthrough your comfort zone and act on something unprecedented and extraordinary.
Will, “A Way”, or Both. Where there is a will, there is a way. And, for those who may not have enough will, if you show them the way, the action is not so daunting (I experience this in my business daily.)
Praying and Moving Your Feet. Faith without works is dead. “Thoughts and prayers” + committed action is the winning formula.
We are over half way through the year, and I wanted to congratulate my clients who committed to action and published their books in the first two quarters of 2019, including:


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