Bestseller in a Weekend featured in the news!

Local Author Fosters Passion With New Book

Port Washington resident and founder of both Foster, Inc. and FosterWomen Hayley Foster decided it was finally time to curate all of her insights and write the book she had always wanted to write, Foster Your Passion: A Guide To Finding Your Passion And The Tools You Need To Foster It. While Foster had always dreamed of writing a book, the idea and book itself came together in just less than three months with the published book hitting on May 23.
“When I started Foster, Inc. a few years ago I realized I was curating content and I could take all the insights I gained from self education and I realized that I wanted to branch out and share those insights outside of my network,” said Foster. “The best way to get them out there and get name recognition was to write a book.”
A few years ago, Foster met book-writing coach Alicia Dunams who runs a workshop that takes students through the process of turning an idea into a book. Foster decided she wanted to take one of Dunams’s Bestseller in a Weekend workshops, but couldn’t find a date that worked for her, so she set up her own meeting in February with seven local women to learn from Dunams. Foster’s dream started to become a reality in late March and finally had it edited, proofread and published on by the end of May.

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